The front end represents the visible surface of an IT product, while the back end is responsible for the background functions. Our goal is to design the visible interfaces contemporary and user-friendly, and furthermore to develop technically perfect solutions in the background.
We always work with the latest technology and use agile methods, such as Scrum in software development. Our expertise includes the development of websites, web applications, mobile applications, portals and individual, tailor-made software solutions.
The technical basis of all web applications is the HTML mark-up language. HTML5 defines the semantic structure of the pages. These can then be adapted to the required designs or CI/CD with style instructions in CSS. Interaction/animation and communication with the interfaces is handled by JavaScript. Especially the reactivity of UI elements is supported by MVVM frameworks such as Angular, Vue or React.
Since many other technologies and combinations can be used, our teams define an individual technology stack for each project. This is done after a requirements gathering and evaluation phase, as we strive to develop the best possible solution in each new project. We aim for modern applications that have a clear user interface, offer intuitive user control, run smoothly in the background and are scalable.
The requirements phase can be decisive in minimising the error potential of a software, so all requirements must be recorded correctly and understandably. In our work, we attach great importance to professional requirements management in the context of an agile approach. The quality of our requirements is subject to constant control by our development teams - especially by our engineers and architects. Within the framework of regular refinements, requirements are reviewed in collaboration with the team, and open questions or difficulties in understanding are clarified at an early stage.
The realisation of a project goes hand in hand with numerous general conditions. In order to meet our own quality standards, legal requirements and the demands of our customers, we use a comprehensive test and quality management system. Test-driven development in particular has become established in numerous projects. Tests are written before the actual implementation of features and functions takes place. Expected behaviour and return values of functions are already thought through in advance and facilitate the selection of a suitable solution.
Link Innovation's open, relaxed corporate culture is reflected in the composition of our well-attuned teams. In addition to the professional IT expertise and extensive experience of our colleagues, we place great value on honest, fair interaction - both among ourselves and in our relationships with cooperation partners and customers. This is also reflected in the values of agile working, which we implement in most of our projects in the form of Scrum. You can find out more about Scrum at Link Innovation here.